Yes, letting go is good for our psyches. But there are some things we should not let go. Some things are just wrong.
Please subscribe to receive my more or less weekly posts on the things we, people, women, people who know they are women, people who know women are important and essential just because, should not let go.
We cannot allow our more or less fairly elected lawmakers, such as they are, overlook, pretend not to notice or fully understand, but shucks, ya know what I mean? be the accepted response to stuff haven’ to do with, uh, women’s parts an’ all.
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I hope for your comments and contributions about what you think. And I hope and ask that you will pass it on.
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I am a professor. I teach and learn about women all over the world, how religion serves patriarchy, and how peace is too distant when women are discounted. Mother of 4 grown daughters, outspoken feminist.